White Grub

Our Products

White Grub (Holotrichia Consanguinea)

Alagundagi Groups White Grub


Sugarcane, Groundnut, Turmeric, Maize, Bajara, Paddy, Mung, Tur etc.


  • White Grub, scientifically known as Holotrichia Consanguinea, is a type of beetle larva belonging to the Scarabaeidae family
  • Crop damage caused by White Grubs can result in reduced yields and economic losses for farmers.
  • The lure provides a focused and efficient solution, minimizing impacts on non-target species.
  • Attracts and traps White Grubs, preventing them from causing extensive damage to crops.
  • Durable and weather-resistant
  • Simple and Easy Installation


  • Reduce economic losses
  • Safeguard the environment
  • Increase global cooperation
  • Increase food security
  • Designed to be farmer-friendly
  • Poses no harm to the environment as it does not involve the use of harmful chemicals


# Trap to be Used Life of Lure Number of Traps Per Acres Product Type
1 WOTA Trap 60 Days 5-6 Pcs Pheromone Lures
Note: Considerations for resistance to environmental conditions (temperature, humidity) to maintain efficacy over time
Certified by: Ex, Yes, Certified–ISO 9001:2015
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  • Helpline Number: 0836-236-3955
  • E-Mail Id: sales.plastics@alagundagigroups.com

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